Rishi Sunak, the United Kingdom’s new Prime Minister, takes office during a time of political upheaval, and checks off several “first boxes.”
Rishi Sunak recently took office as the United Kingdom’s new Prime Minister. His ascent to power marks the third Prime Minister in a year, marking a huge point in the history of the United Kingdom because of his ethnic and religious background.
“Sunak’s ascent is an undeniably great achievement, whether or not you agree with his politics.” The Guardian writer, Hashi Mohamed, writes. “Without being able to claim any kind of salt-of-the-earth immigrant backstory, Sunak has still defied the odds as an Asian man to make it to the highest position in the land.”
Sunak becoming Prime Minister was a big first for the county. Sunak’s parents came from India and practice Hinduism, Sunak himself also believes in Hinduism, making him not only the first non-white Prime Minister but also the first non-Christian Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
“I have lived and worked in California and I actually think it’s one of the reasons that I would be good at this job,” Sunak told the BBC. “Because what I will bring to this job is a way of thinking that is different.”
Sunak’s connections to the United States, in his opinion, counts as one of his great strengths and qualifications for his new job. His experience in the US could help him do his job as Prime Minister, especially during this time of global partnership to help Ukraine against Russia in the Russo-Ukrainian war.
“Rishi Sunak is probably the biggest Star Wars fan to hold the post of UK Prime Minister. It has been reported that he looks to the films for inspiration, both personally and politically.” NDTV reported. “One MP said, presumably with some hyperbole, that much of Sunak’s political philosophy comes from the trade wars in Star Wars.”
Sunak’s nerdy qualities have shown through, a huge fan of Star Wars, The Prime Minister once told schoolchildren that in his youth he wanted to be a Jedi Knight. The ascension of this nerdy, Hindu, MP to the Prime Ministership, has marked a new era for the United Kingdom because of the many firsts, and his leadership beginning in a time of political upheaval.