The Sandie Band competed at Area Marching Band Competition on Oct. 28. and advanced into finals, getting sixth overall.
After competing at the Region Marching Band Contest on Oct. 14, the Sandie Band set a new record with their 51st sweepstakes in a row.
In total, 34 bands competed including the Tascosa, Caprock and Palo Duro Bands who received sweepstakes as well. The next competition will take place on Oct. 28 in Lubbock at the Lowery Field, where 12 bands will compete.
“We really focused and gave our all, and it paid off,” sophomore Emma Mullin said.
The band has worked hard since the summer to reach the quality of music they presented at the competition.
“Everyone has been working hard since July and it shows,” Assistant Band Director Sara Rhynes said.
Despite their success at the latest contest, the Sandie Band continues to practice to further improve their routine.
“It’s gotten better, but it just needs a little bit of work,” sophomore Taylor Jenkins said.
The Sandie Band will work hard to surpass higher expectations and outshine others .
“Area is coming up fast, but I am confident that we will meet the competition head on and do the very best we can,” Mullin said.
Marching to Finals
Band competes in region contest
Ella Mullin, Writer
October 31, 2023
About the Contributor

Ella Mullin, Assistant Editor
Hi! I’m super excited to be a junior editor this year! I can’t wait to see how this year to unfolds.