A new addition to the Inheritance Games series, Games Untold by Jennifer Lynn Barnes consists of many novellas, with stories spanning the entire length of the series, condensed into one book with a timeline to help with continuity. This book provides insight into what goes on in the Hawthorne household, and around the world, when the main narrative focuses elsewhere. Total, the book has 10 novellas with different main characters and different perspectives per novella.
Games Untold had a release date of November 12 and has sold over 4 million copies within a very short span of time. This collection of novellas focuses mostly on the untold love stories, providing insight into many readers’ favorite characters and their relationships. It answers commonly asked questions from before the first book to right before the latest book in the series.
This book has easily made itself one of my top books. It has masterful writing with a fun lightness that the other books in this series sometimes lacks. I loved obtaining information that answered some of my questions that I have had since I picked up the first book. It gives amazing insight into the motives of side characters that explain why they act the way that they do.
My personal favorite novellas, The Cowboy and The Goth and Secret Santa, had me smiling ear to ear while reading. The novellas in general had a very wholesome atmosphere. I can confidently say that Games Untold is my favorite book in the Inheritance Games series. It keeps the mysterious and game-filled fun typically associated with this series while having its own personal spin that makes it unique. I cannot recommend Games Untold enough to anyone who loves the Inheritance Games series.