An eclectic style means deriving ideas or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. This kind of style has no boundaries or wrong answers. The variety of decorations creates this interesting and universal approach into a beautiful piece of work for a home or any setting.
In order to gain an eclectic style, trying different textures and colors can really step up the decoration game in a room. Be bold and confident to seek new things. Try out different and new decoration pieces to spice up some personality in yourself and in your room.
“If I could add more interesting and diverse range of décor in my room, I would add more furniture that has personality,” junior, Molly Wilson said. “I feel like the photos and everything around my room [are] already miscellaneous and crazy, but my furniture is kind of bland.”
When trying to change the décor in a room, take baby steps, first starting with some plants or throw blankets. Progressively, the vibe in the room will change and soon enough an eclectic style is on the way.
“To change your style to eclectic, I believe you should be more open minded and diverse with your ideas,” sophomore, Emily Raymond said. “Having an eclectic style is a good way to show off your personality, so by coming up with your own unique ideas would be a big step into getting that style.”
The reality of eclectic style comes from expressing personality. Though it may seem daunting to tie so many random elements of a room together, items chosen to suit the decorator will always look good together.
“Really express yourself however you want; you don’t always have to stick to consistencies because it’s good to broaden your perspective and try out new ideas,” said Wilson. “The best part is that there aren’t any guidelines to follow, so mix up whatever you want and it’ll work.”