Sandie cheerleaders took their spirit to Dallas to compete at the state competition for the first time in three years.
Coached by Grecia Zamora, Ryan Bartley and Andrea Olguin, the team worked hard to pull this performance together. Allison White chose the music and choreographed the dance routine. Practices for UIL started in October and continued through Christmas break.
UIL took place Friday, Jan 13. However, while the Sandies did not make it to finals, they beat out all other panhandle schools and placed 31st out of 85 schools. in a show of dedication and hard work, the cheerleaders put hours and hours of practice into preparing for the competition.
“My favorite part of UIL was getting to experience the competitive world of cheer,” Zamora said. “That’s something I have never gotten to experience, and it was really fun…This experience showed me that hard work and dedication pays off, and working together makes everything better.”
Before the day of the competition, Amarillo ISD organized a sendoff for the cheerleaders participating in the competition. Usually, cheerleaders organize send-offs, pep rallies and other fun experiences, so having one for themselves was important.
“The sendoff really made me feel appreciated,” Sophomore Karsen Fry said. “As cheerleaders, we’re always doing things for other people, it was nice to have something done for us.”
Although the cheerleaders did not take home the state title, they had some amazing experiences, bonded more than imaginable and came back feeling like a family.
“The most important part of UIL was getting on the stage and applying all of what we learned, and giving it our all,” Sophomore Henry Crinella said. “I learned that in order to succeed our whole squad has to give it everything they’ve got and have a good time while doing it.”
Sandie cheerleaders cannot wait to compete again next year and gain more unforgettable experiences. Winning and bringing that trophy home does not matter, but rather the friendships and memories made along the way.
“UIL taught me that you may not always reach the goal you wanted, but the moments and memories are what make everything in life so much fun,” Fry said.