The student brushed her hair, checking the weather app over and over, as the temperature continued to drop. As she climbed in the car to meet her friends at dinner, snow began to fall. At the restaurant, she glanced out the window to see snow piling up, masking the road. Conversations bubble around her as her phone screen flashes with a StudentSquare notification. Silence fills the room while everyone reads the news: Sadie’s canceled due to bad weather conditions. She glanced around to confused, excited, devastated, and worried faces; no one knew what new plans to create.
Students around Amarillo replaced their plans for Sadies.
Whether a dinner with friends or just hanging out, many students found that they enjoyed their latest arrangements. Sophomore Easton Glass did not look forward to the dance in general, claiming that his new plans outshined Sadies.
“I went to Angel Fire and skied,” Glass said. “I had a lot more fun.”
Students often have dinner before the Sadies dance, either with their date or a group. The student square notification appeared about an hour before the dance, which happened to be during the time many attendees arrived or started eating at their designated dinner location.
“I was still dressed, so we went to go eat,” Jake Laminak said. (waiting for name from silva) said. “Then we just chilled out afterwards.”
The news of cancellation disappointed students and teachers, but some found joy in the circumstances the school canceled it in. Amarillo had not experienced much snow throughout the year, so those that enjoy cold weather rejoiced in the uncommon event.
` “I had more fun than I would’ve at Sadies because I really like snow, and I was going to go with my friends,” sophomore Hazik Aiyan said. “Instead, I could daydream about having a girlfriend.”