This year’s halftime set list will be different from anything the band has done in the past due to the dark and creepy take on Edgar Allan Poes’ The Raven, Annablle Lee, and Tell Tell Heart, depicted through three distinct acts in their show “Tales of Mystery and Imagination”.

Senior drum major Erin Hinds during morning band practice.
“I was just thinking about something different from what we did last year, because last year was kind of lighthearted, spacey, and the crowd knew the music and knew what it was,” said band director Mike Ellis. “This is a little more [of a] sophisticated show, that we’re doing for our state year.”
Ellis goes on to say that the decision to do this show was something that he had been thinking about for a long time. Ellis and assistant director, Sara Lewis, hope that adding more modern theatrical and dance aspects will better depict the poems and short stories that their program is based on.

Drum Majors Susanna Terrell, Erin Hinds, and Pierce Nelson conducting the band.
“That’s definitely our goal this year: to make it to state marching contest.” said junior drum major Susanna Terrell.
Because 5A marching bands are able to advance this year, the band is working hard for a shot at the state competition. If the band receives a division one at the regional contest, they will proceed to area marching contest. The top 5 bands from area advance and get the chance to compete for the state title.
“Every single day you have everyone in the band all together and it really creates such a safe community for most people,” said senior drum major Erin Hinds. “Our main goal is to just be better than we were the year before and to always continue to keep getting better.”
The band will perform “Tales of Mystery and Imagination” during halftime at football games; High plains marching festival on October 5th, and throughout the UIL marching season starting October 19th.
“We’ll be working harder since it’s a state year,” said drumline member Truett Corder. “I think we are already sounding better, so it’s going to be a special show”.

The Drum-line plays at Pep Rally.