Brylee Knipp, Writer
This is my third year on news paper staff. I enjoy writing cooking and crafting stories. I am the head editor of senior ads and the historian for orchestra where I play the violin. I love music, reading, writing, and photography of any kind especially volleyball and basketball.
All content by Brylee Knipp
The next school year will start before you know it. College costs continue to rise, so apply for scholarships as soon as possible. You can achieve the best results with these recommendations for where...
Shake up this Halloween season with some witchy good treats. Take a look at some of these new, fun and exciting recipes to brew up for your Halloween night.
EyeBall Brownie Balls
Homecoming season has officially hit, this means it is time to grab some ribbon, a hot glue gun, your crafting skills and start making this year's mums and garters.
Tools and supplies:
Maya Jawad Espino Dances in during the halftime show
With spring’s arrival, fresh treats are in demand to welcome in the warm weather. Here is a list of different treats to satisfy that craving.
Update: The team clinched the District Championship after their second game to Tascosa. The team continues on with standing of 31-4, a 7-0 in district and a 11 game winning streak.
The basketball season...
With the day to send gifts to your loved ones, Valentine's Day, fast approaching the best way to show your affection is to make and give away heartfelt sweets. Here is a list of recipes for three easy...
Following months of preparation and practice, Sandie orchestra students tried out for the All-Region orchestras on Oct. 17 and 21.
There are two different All-Region competitions: All-Region One and All-Region...
The fall season not only brings cooler weather but a whole new set of fun activities. Some great ideas to occupy this time of year include pumpkin patches, new food and many seasonal events.
With the cool weather and pumpkin spice season coming up, try these unique treats to sweeten this fall.
Apple Nachos
Four orchestra members kicked off the Sod Poodle game on Sept. 1 when they played the National Anthem before the game.
The orchestra played at the game to kick off the year and help publicize their talents....
Jaycie Scott (left), Lizzie Blackburn, Sofia Quiled (middle), Kenzye Williamson, Leia Young (right)
The Lady Sandies meet the Lady Raiders at the net.
After making it to nationals in Texas Association Of Future Educators in the Exploring Support Services Careers state level category, junior Ellee Wade dreams big about her bright future to come.
After months of preparation, the Sandie Steppers dance team earned the title of the National Champions.
On top of this big accomplishment, varsity earned first place national champions in jazz, first...
Due to the change in Orchestra UIL, students and teachers alike were anxious to see how this year's UIL, which took place on March 8th, would turn out.
In previous years, the orchestra competition consisted...
The district recognized Superintendent Scholars in an assembly on Feb. 2
This title is meant to encourage students to work hard in their studies and keep focus in school. The superintendent motivates...
Congress was the main thought on freshman Hayden Brillhart and Sophomore Bakhtawar Parvezon's brains as they took the oath of office at the UIL State Congress competition. Hayden Brillhart then went...
Due to this year’s changes, all orchestra students had to at least audition for All-Region. Orchestra teacher Breanna Parker will celebrate her student's accomplishments after her students fill...
Amarillo High School offers a chance to celebrate teachers by student nomination. The students vote for any teacher they would like to get awarded as teacher of the month.
Journalism teacher, Amy Burchett,...
The volleyball team raised money for breast cancer awareness and treatment at their pink out game that took place on October 11th.
During the week of the game, multiple announcements were held for the...
Try these fun, easy, low-cost DIYs to add a little entertainment and fun for this fall season. These crafts can fulfill the fall crafting desire and double as amazing home decor for years to come.
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